全球顶级幻想艺术年鉴Spectrum 20 ( 光谱 20 )征稿启事!


leewiART依旧会帮助光谱进行光谱20的征稿工作。我们为中国画家简化了光谱繁复的投稿流程和手续,您不仅可以将光谱一向拒绝的电子稿件和所有电子 表格直接投给leewiART,还可以直接付人民币缴纳投稿费用。这样不仅可以使您不必担心邮寄等繁琐的手续专心创作,还替您省去了打印、汇款手续费等费 用,并且我们会时时帮助您解答投稿问题,关注投稿动向。



1:您需要在 2013年 1 月 10日 前把稿件、表格和投稿费用交到leewiART,这样才不会错过最后投稿时间。





















银行卡号:4100 6201 0526 6999




SPECTRUM 20 — CALL FOR ENTRIES NOW OPEN![img]http://www.leewiart.com/userfiles/forum_image/201210/8c52e54664554acdb601fe1f6ea250e2_forumView.jpg[/img]光谱20 征稿启事

光谱截稿日期:2013年1月25日 (委托leewiART投稿截止日期:2013年 1月 10 日)

This is an invitation to all professional and student artists, art directors, publishers, and artist representatives to submit entries to the 20th Annual Spectrum International Competition for Fantastic Art. All art works in all mediums embracing the themes of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and the surreal are eligible for this show. Fantastic Art can be subtle or obvious, traditional or off-the-wall, painted, sculpted, or photographed: there is no unacceptable way to create art and there are no set rules that say one piece qualifies while another doesn’t. Imagination and skill are what matters. Work chosen by the jury will be printed in full color in the Spectrum Annual, the only peer-selected “best of the year” collection for the fantastic arts.

这是一封给所有专业艺术家、在校学生、艺术指导、出版商和艺术家代理人的邀请函,第20届Spectrum幻 想艺术年度国际比赛已开始征稿。所有以科幻、幻想、惊悚、和超现实为主题的艺术作品,无论表现形式,都有资格加入展示。幻想艺术作品可含蓄可张扬,可以是 传统形式或摆脱墙面限制,可以绘画,可以是雕塑,或者是摄影作品:不存在不能接受的艺术创作形式,也不存在既定规则规定这个作品合格那个作品就不行。我们 看重的只有想象力与技法。评委会选中的作品将随全彩印刷的Spectrum年鉴出版,这是唯一一本由专家评选出的、囊括“全年最佳”幻想美术作品的出版 物。


Any published or unpublished art may be submitted in the appropriate category. Work must have been finished or first published between January 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013.


The Basics

Do not submit original art for judging: entry material submitted to the jury will not be returned. The jury will select works from the entries for inclusion in the Spectrum Annual; the act of entering art in the competition does not guarantee inclusion in the book. If your entry is accepted be certain that a reproduction-quality transparency or Mac-compatible digital file is available to insure the entry’s inclusion in the Spectrum Annual. Failure to provide repro-quality material by the deadline given in an acceptance letter will cause an otherwise accepted entry to be excluded from the book.

The appropriate fee must accompany the entry and the entry forms must be filled out legibly (information for the book and for correspondence will be drawn from the entry forms). The person submitting work for this competition warrants that they are the copyright holder or has the permission of the copyright holder to enter said work and by so doing grant permission for publication in the Annual and in the promotion of same. No other rights, either for print or electronic mediums, are granted to Spectrum and all copyrights will be acknowledged to the respective copyright holders within the content of the Annual.


不要提交原稿用于评审:提交给评委会的参选稿件将不予返还。评委会将评出入选Spectrum年鉴的稿件;投稿参与评选不意味着保证可以入书出版。如果你 的稿件入选,请确保能够提供再现品质透明片或可兼容苹果Mac电脑的数码文件,这样才能确保稿件登上Spectrum年鉴。以收件日期为准,若截稿期限前 仍未能提供再现品质素材,将导致已入选作品无法被收录进书中。

投稿必须附有必要的费用和填写完整清晰的投稿表格(出版所需信息及联络信息将参照投稿表格)。参与评选的投稿人必须是作品的版权所有人,或投稿一事已获得 版权所有人许可。投稿行为本身意味着投稿人已被赋予作品随年鉴出版及其可以用于年鉴宣传的许可。Spectrum未被赋予其他任何印刷或通过电子方式发行 作品的权利,并且承认年鉴内容的版权完全归属相应的版权所有人。

Entry Fees

One “A” Form and the entry fees must accompany your total package of entries. (A “B” Form must be taped to the back of each entry, but only one “A” Form needs to accompany each participant’s entries.) Single entry fee is $20.00 per work. Series (5 related pieces or less) entry fee is $40.00. Note that the Series Entry Fee is a price break for related works only (i.e. multiple illustrations for a book, pieces in an advertising campaign, etc.): the jury may select any art they deem worthy and are not obligated to select all works from a Series entry.

All checks must be made payable to Spectrum. Foreign entrants must send an international money order or a check in U.S. funds drafted on a U.S. bank: entry fees for both domestic and overseas entrants may be paid with a Visa or Mastercard by providing the appropriate information (#, expiration date, signature, etc.) in the designated spot on the entry form. The billing address of the card holder must be provided on the form.

There are NO additional fees or charges.


你的投稿作品必须与一张表格A和投稿费用一并提交。(每张投稿作品的背面必须贴有一张表格B,但每个投稿人只需提交一张表格A)。单幅投稿费用为每张20 美元。系列作品(5张或以下彼此关联的作品)投稿费用为40美元。请注意,系列作品投稿价格是只适用于彼此关联的作品(例如:一本书的多张插画,一项广告 宣传的若干图片,等等):评委会可选择任意他们认为有价值的作品,并没有义务选择系列作品中的全部单幅。

所有支票的抬头必须是Spectrum。外国投稿者必须寄送以美元结算且可在某家美国银行兑现的国际汇款或支票:国内或海外参赛者均可通过在投稿表格相应 位置正确填写Visa或Mastercard信用卡信息来缴纳投稿费(卡号,到期年限,签名,等等)。表格中必须填写信用卡的账单寄送地址。


Deadline For Entries

Entries must be delivered, prepaid, with all appropriate forms and entry fees to Spectrum,Spectrum, 11520 Flint St., Overland Park, KS 66210 U.S.A. 913-538-1142[Federal Express— please check the “No Signature Required” option] no later than January 25, 2013. The judging will take place shortly after the deadline.


请于2013年1月25日之前将已付清运费的稿件连同所有对应表格及投稿费递送至Spectrum, 11520 Flint St., Overland Park, KS 66210 U.S.A. 913-538-1142(若使用特快专递,UPS,联邦快递等快递服务,请注意勾画“无需签收”选项)。评审将在征稿截止后不久展开。

Notification For Accepted Work

Only entrants whose works are selected by the jury for inclusion in the annual will be notified by mail in April, 2013with additional information regarding what we’ll need for the book. A list of accepted entrants will also be posted on the Spectrum website: www.spectrumfantasticart.com Please check to see if your name is on the list before contacting us to ask if you made it. We will not otherwise be notifying entrants that did not have work selected: only artists with work selected by the jury for inclusion in the annual will have their names listed on the website and will be notified by mail.


只有作品被评委会选中进入年鉴的投稿者会在2013年4月间收到具体的邮件通知。入选的投稿者名单也将公布在Spectrum的网站 上:www.spectrumfantasticart.com。请在查看过名单后确认有没有自己之后,再向我们咨询你是否入选。我们不会给作品未入选的 投稿人发通知:网站只会公示作品被评委会选入年鉴的艺术家,并给他们发邮件通知。


All entries will be divided into eight major categories: the jury will judge each category objectively, keeping in mind the work’s intent and purpose in their decisions. Black and white, limited color, and full color works will be considered equitably. Each entrant is responsible for placing their work in the appropriate category by writing one of the following codes in the designated box on Form “B”. Each entry form must be filled out completely. ONE “A” form per entrant and a “B” form for EACH piece of art must accompany your entries. Each form must be filled out completely and LEGIBLY. Ask if you’re not sure what category to place your entry in.


所有投稿作品将被分为8个主要门类:评委会考量作品的创作意图及目的,并将客观地评审每个门类的作品。无论黑白作 品、使用有限颜色的作品还是全彩作品,都将一视同仁。每个投稿者有责任将稿件投到对应的门类下,请选取下列代码填入表格B的相应位置。每张表格都请填写完 全。每个投稿人填写一张表格A,每幅投稿作品都必须要配有一张表格B。每张表格都请清晰地填写完整。如果您不确定自己该投哪个门类的话请向我们询问。


For single entries use code A/1. For series entries use code A/2. Suggested entries include art for newspapers and magazines, posters for films, TV, and publications, packaging for video and music products, brochures, billboards, and POP displays.





For single entries use code B/1. For series entries use code B/2.

Suggested entries include art appearing inside and on the covers of all hardbound and paper back books, including children’s books. No complete books will be judged as a single entry: multiple pieces from a book should be entered as a “series.”




Comics/Graphic Novels

For single entries use code C/1. For series entries use code C/2. Suggested entries include covers and individual pages from adult and children comics and graphic novels. No complete comics will be judged as a single entry. Do not submit work featuring license-protected comics characters without the permission of said character’s copyright holder.




Concept Art

For single entries use code CA/1. For series entries use code CA/2. Suggested entries include work created for films, TV programs, theater, and video games. Do not submit work that is license-protected without the permission of the proper copyright holder. 2 YEAR TIME-WINDOW FOR THIS CATEGORY: Art can have been created between 1/1/10—1/1/12.





For single entries use code D/1. For series entries use code D/2.

Suggested entries include sculptures created for model kits, collectibles, editorial, and fine art.

A maximum of 3 photos of a single entry (to show detail) may be sent for no additional fee.






For single entries use code E/1. For series entries use code E/2.

Suggested entries include all art appearing in magazines or newspapers—including spot art, political, and humorous works—or on television news or “magazine” programs .


单幅 投稿请用代码E/1。系列作品投稿请用代码E/2。



For single entries use code I/1. For series entries use code I/2.

Suggested entries include art appearing in connection with announcements, annual reports, calendars, greeting cards, prints, portfolios, posters, plates, website graphics, collectibles, promotional directories and self-promotion mailers, and any other venues not obviously covered by the other categories.





For single entries use code U/1. For series entries use code U/2.

Suggested entries include art created for portfolios, student work, gallery shows, experimental studies, speculative assignments, and ongoing projects for work to be published at a future date.




Give your work a fair chance at being selected for inclusion in the book: try to submit the best quality representation of your art possible. No, don’t spend an arm and a leg on color-corrected prints, but DO make sure the submission is in focus, isn’t the size of a postage stamp, and doesn’t look like it was photographed in the fog. Entries are NOT pre-screened: all entries will be reviewed by the jury.


Submission Guidelines


Submit proofs, tearsheets, color photographic prints (try to limit the size to 8”x10” if possible, but all sizes are acceptable), clear photo copies, laser prints, or other reasonably high-resolution computer-generated print. No original art, slides, or computer discs or CDs will be accepted for judging. Do not submit complete books, comics, graphic novels, or articles as a single entry. One Form “A” should accompany your entries. A Form “B” (or a facsimile) must be taped to the back of each entry. If the entry is part of a series, a Form “B” must be taped to the back of each piece. If accepted, a copy of the art will be sent to you. Credits for the Spectrum Annual will be taken from Forms “A” and “B”: spelling, credits and addresses must be complete and legible.

请提交印刷打样、书籍内页、彩色冲印照片(可能的话请尽力将尺寸限制在8英寸(20.32厘米)x10英寸(25.4厘米),不过其它尺寸也能接受)、清 晰的复印件、激光打印图片或其它适当形式的高分辨率电脑生成印刷品。原画稿、幻灯片、电脑光盘或CD都不被接纳进入评审。不要将整本图书、漫画、连环画或 整篇约稿作为单个稿件提交。你的稿件应附有一张表格A。每张投稿作品背面应贴有一张表格B(原表格复制有效)。若稿件是系列作品中,每张单独作品的背面也 必须贴有一张表格B。如果入选,你会收到一本年鉴。Spectrum年鉴上的个人信息将依据表铬A和表格B的内容:拼写、作品归属和地址必须完整清晰。


The jury will present Gold and Silver Awards to exceptional works in each category. A “Grand Master” Award will be presented each year to an artist whose work has achieved a high level of skill and imagination over the course of their career and who has had a positive influence on the field of fantastic art and their fellow creatives. The awards are sculpted by Joseph DeVito. The “Grand Master” base is sculpted by Tim Holter Bruckner.


评委会将向各门类中的杰出作品颁发金奖和银奖。每年都会评出一个“大师奖”颁给一位艺术家,他的技法和想象力让他在职业生涯中取得了高水平成就,并且他对 幻想美术及其衍生创意方面起到了积极影响。奖项由Joseph DeVito雕塑。“大师奖”的底座由Tim Holter Bruckner制作。

Spectrum Twentieth Annual Book

Each accepted entry will be reproduced in full color and given complete credit in the eighteenth Spectrum Annual; the contact information for the artist or their agent/representative will be printed in the artist index. The person who has submitted an accepted entry will receive a complimentary copy of the annual. Tear sheets are not available. Additional copies may be purchased at a discount.



Answers to many frequently asked questions can be found on our website:


Thank you for your continued interest. We hope to see you in Spectrum 19! Good luck!



感谢你们的持续关注。我们希望在Spectrum 20 中见到你!祝好运!

We are pleased to announce the following respected creatives as jurors for this year’s competition:


Tim BrucknerIrene Gallo Tim Kirk Mark A Nelson Michael R.Whelan

We can be reached via email at: [email]info@spectrumfantasticart.com[/email]

We may be reached during business hours (Central Time) by phone at 913-538-1142.

Visit our official website at

Note: Use only the address and contact information on the poster when making inquiries to or about Spectrum. Please notify us if you move!






Spectrums 7—16 are out of print. The just-released

Spectrum 19, as well as some earlier volumes in the series, can be found at your favorite bookstore or on-line bookseller.

Spectrum 7-16已经绝版。刚刚发售的Spectrum 19,连同系列之前的丛书,都能在你喜爱的书店或在线书商处找到。

表格中英文对照: 表格可以到官网下载:


管理员QQ:295611037 表格A [img]http://www.leewiart.com/userfiles/forum_image/201211/bc4dd59a64544a84bd2f2128d9187616_forumView.jpg[/img]已下是中文对照[img]http://www.leewiart.com/userfiles/forum_image/201211/0a755933e2f74e7ca7baa64ba188715b_forumView.jpg[/img]表格B [img]http://www.leewiart.com/userfiles/forum_image/201211/480560010b224338aab5a923cdc1a926_forumView.jpg[/img]已下是中文对照[img]http://www.leewiart.com/userfiles/forum_image/201211/999fc9d32fb64d82b363594b16981575_forumView.jpg[/img][img]http://www.leewiart.com/userfiles/forum_image/201211/f1e2fe30b14e44a1a3efb2c52411bd98_forumView.jpg[/img]